Friday, February 09, 2007

For 2007, stir-up pants tucked into boots and belts about the waist are back, as are manly men

Why is it so hard to find a real man who's not afraid to be a tad fancy?

Here's a good example of the kind of guy that I've been looking for. Someone who I could be proud to bring with me to Thanksgiving diner. Won't grandma be so happy?

And what's in his hand? Some sort of Brave New World futuristic cigarette?

This is by far my favorite picture - - possibly ever.
Swimming in sweaters? HELL YES! And those shorts and hairy man legs, can you say YUM!

Good God he's so pretty!

Thank you Stitchy for making me, while totally alone, loudly snort and giggle once again. I hope she doesn't mind me borrowing her wonderful finds but they were too good not to share.


At 2/11/2007 11:16 AM, Blogger Jana said...

I would totally knit that last sweater for myself!!! But as for the shorts I would never wear them in public. Those are underwear, not even swimsuit material!

At 2/23/2007 8:23 PM, Blogger JJINJERSEY said...

I just...
I can't. That second sweater..
I mean...

Can you imagine him picking someone up in a bar?
Victim: So, what do you do?
Sweater guy: Oh, I'm a model.
Victim: (thinks: SCORE)
Fast forward a month later...
Victim: so, I'd love to see some of your modeling work
SG: (Brightly) Oh absolutely! I just posed for these great knitters... they were amazing to work with, I mean, really avant garde, original work...
Victim: I gotta go.


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