Thursday, April 13, 2006


Our regularly scheduled knitting night was interrupted by this...

Yup, that's her, the one and only, Yarn Harlot!

It was a great night! She told us little knitting ditties, that only those of us in the know would find humorous, answered questions, demonstrated her under-arm speedy knitting style and signed everyone's books.

I'll be interested to see if you can find our little group in her picture of the audience when she posts it - hope I'm not drooling in it or anything embarrassing like that ;-)

I'm only sad that my camera (or me, but I really think it was the camera this time), was malfunctioning and almost every single picture was uber blurry. Oh well, I still got to see her! Much thanks to Erin for finding out about this, Chris for driving and Jana just for being there ;-)

Here's the gang after getting our books signed...


At 4/14/2006 1:00 PM, Blogger Michellefinaz said...

How exciting, I would have loved to be able to be there.


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