Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Knitting, the thing that keeps me from getting stuff done

First off, came home last night from knitting group and look what was waiting for me! I've been eyeing both of these books for some time now and leafing through them in every store I see them in. Finally I decided to treat myself, blaming the Funky Scarf Swap for needing Scarf Style (but really, I just wanted it. Shhh, don't tell anyone). I also plan to re-do my green sweater, hence the second book. I feel ok about both purchases because I got them through half.com and they rock for getting a deal.

Why am I showing you my hands and feet? Because only knitters can understand my thinking on what's going on here. My feeling is, if I have time to sit for a few minutes and do my nails and let them dry them I might as well be knitting. So I've taken to painting my toenails and saying "frig it" to my fingers and then I can knit as my toes dry. I vow this week to do something with my fingernails though. It seems sad to neglect them so much. Maybe tonight, maybe.

Lastly, the scarf exchange. I'm having so much trouble deciding what to do. I've been playing around with different yarns and patterns but nothing is making me happy. Either it's too boring (missing the point of being funky) or it's not soft enough, or it's not colors that my pal will really enjoy. Jana, has been a real help forwarding me some great patterns and ideas; things I plan to use in the future even if not for this project. I need some heavy duty inspiration right quick. I'm running out of yarn stores to rip through! I know once I'm 90% finished with whatever I pick I'll come across the most perfect yarn and/or pattern ever. Ain't that always the way?


At 8/23/2006 10:52 PM, Blogger Michellefinaz said...

I love the yarn girls book. I'm making the not your standard issue sweatshirt. I'm using Knitpicks mainline. no way was I going to splurge on the required $200 worth of yarn that the pattern was written in.

At 8/23/2006 10:52 PM, Blogger Michellefinaz said...

I love the yarn girls book. I'm making the not your standard issue sweatshirt. I'm using Knitpicks mainline. no way was I going to splurge on the required $200 worth of yarn that the pattern was written in.


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