Thursday, September 21, 2006

Prime Time... for knitting that is

Oh happy, happy, joy, joy!!!

Grey's Anatomy is back on tonight which means I get to watch one of my favorite shows ever while just selfishly knitting myself a multidirectional diagonal scarf

(Yes, you're right Jana, the name is lacking something.)

Oh me, oh my all in one night I get; Grey's Anatomy, ER, My Name is Earl, and The Office (also interested in checking out Six Degrees). Time to whip out the video tapes so I can tape one channel while watching the other - -yes, I think I am the only person who doesn't have TiVo yet. Yet.

(had to remove the video of Meredith knitting in the bar because it messed up my layout. If I can figure out how to fix it, I will repost or at the very least give you the link)

**** In my search for a picture of the G.A. gal's knitting, I came across a picture of a button for the Grey's Anatomy knitalong. How happy I was at the find! I haven't yet been added to their list but I am going to be a bit presumptuous and assume that my FBI report comes back clear for joining the knitalong. Therefore I will be posting the button claiming to be a member, even though, technically it's not true yet. I know, I do live on the edge don't I?****


At 9/22/2006 6:46 AM, Blogger Jana said...

Yay for Tee Vee!!! I have not yet succumbed to the Grey's addiction, yet it's beckoning for me, it's out there. The Office on the other hand-woo hoo! Never miss and episode! And last nights was so, so hilarious!

At 9/25/2006 10:08 AM, Blogger Michellefinaz said...

I just started watching Grey's, I really like it so far. Yes, I have Tivo, but it mostly has kids cartoons on it.


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