Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fugley little critter!

Amy's Condom Critter is Done! I already have a few goodies for it including a light-up penis lolli-pop, some candy rings which I won't get into explaining, "Dick-Tacs" (penis shaped tic-tacs) and a bride-to-be button. I need a couple more little items for the critters front pouch but otherwise she's all set. I think I'll add a little tag explaining what exactly it is and maybe some hair since I think it looked cute on the proto-type. Otherwise, tis done and I love her!

Below are pictures of the building of the critter-
I gotta say, I love the big eyelashes more than any other feature, I just hope they stay on.


At 8/23/2007 8:41 AM, Blogger Jana said...

I don't know if it's attention to detail or the ability to carry a theme but you've got it. From the eyelashes to the 'dick-tacs' perfect gift for the bride to be!

At 8/23/2007 12:24 PM, Blogger sko_G knits said...

that is the most hilarious thing i have seen! with the feet and the eyelashes, you are killing me.

At 8/23/2007 3:11 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

The best part about the feet is that they're actually the drawstring closure so nothing falls out of her, um, belly. I think I should make a family of critters in all different sizes in which to hide remotes, and candy and all sorts of misc. items!

At 9/03/2007 6:36 AM, Blogger Kate said...

OK, that's just hilarious (and this from a woman who's seriously thinking about a looooong sabatical from sex!). I hope the critter goes down well with the bride 2 be.

Thanks for the lovely prezzies you sent Tilly. I'm thrilled about Amelia Bedelia (my mum was too when she saw it last night) and I'm looking forward to reading "B to T" and I'm sure Tillster will love it as she grows up it as well.

Till's being dunked (baptised) this Sunday & I wanted to let you know that she'll be wearing your baby birks as part of her ensemble. The church is an old stone building - all layers needed for warmth! I'll send you a foot photo soon!



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